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at West Didsbury CE Primary School

We provide a Physical Education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in physical activity.  This is achieved by allowing all children to participate in a range of physical activity on a daily basis in both indoor and outdoor environments. Believing in the abilities of every child, we provide opportunities to excel in a range of physical activities to support their health and fitness, develop skills to build and shape their character and grow their team work and communication skills.  We aim for pupils to grow key sporting values which will be transferable in later life, becoming positive, active members of their community. 

A curriculum for life, for all 

We are proud of the ambitious PE curriculum and broad variety of extracurricular sporting activity at West Didsbury CE.  The diverse opportunities in both the curriculum and extracurricular activities helps to ensure all children are equipped with a range of skills, knowledge and values to allow them to flourish in later life.  The curriculum ensures that children are able to participate in a range of physical activity, including first-hand experiences with inter and intra competitions and forest schools, to ensure a positive and engaging learning experience.  The curriculum content and design ensure that all children, whatever their social background, are supported to develop their communication, resilience and team work skills which are important to allow for success in later life.

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