In order to apply for a place at West Didsbury CE Primary you need to do two things:
- Apply directly to the school using the downloadable form. Don’t forget to fill in the additional Faith Leader's Form below if applying for a place based on faith.
- Remember also to apply through Manchester City Council’s coordinated admissions process, as detailed below. Please contact them direct if you have not received details of this process.
Although we are an academy school, we operate our admissions through Manchester City Council's coordinated admissions process.
All parent/carers are required to apply to their home Local Authority (LA) regards of where the school/academy they are applying is situated. Manchester residents will apply to Manchester LA. The LA will liaise with other Admissions Authorities in Manchester and other LAs where required. Manchester LA will inform parent/carers in writing of the outcome of their application.
Application forms are available from and can be requested by phone on 0161 245 7166. They should be returned to:
Integrated Admissions Service
Manchester City Council,
P.O. Box 532,
Town Hall,
M60 2LA
These admission arrangements apply to applicants seeking a place in Reception up to year 6.
You can view our full Admissions Policy on our Policies page, see the quick link at the bottom of this page.
Admission arrangements for West Didsbury are set by our Governing Body. We are the Admission Authority for their establishment. Our Governing Body are responsible for drafting, consulting on and determining our admission arrangements.