

This school has nine governors who act on behalf of West Didsbury CE for the Thrive CE Academy Trust. For more information on the organisation of the Trust and the other schools within it, please see the Thirve CE Academy Trust Page 

West Didsbury CE Primary School is a church school with very strong links to the Parish of St James and Emmanuel, and other local churches. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of the churches nominate five of our nine governors, in order that the faith foundation of our school is firmly upheld. The PCC nominations have to be ratified and approved by Trustees, who have the controlling interest. 

This school has two parent governors, elected by all the parents. There are also two staff governors. One is the Head of the school, she is a governor because of her job. She attends the meetings and prepares reports for the governors. The other staff governor works as a teacher in West Didsbury CE Primary School. All the people who work in the school vote for the person they want.

This school on occasions also has associate members in order to ensure succession planning is rigorous.

The governing body meets formally three times each year (once every term), and sub committees meet regularly throughout the year. 

There are very strict rules, which the governing body must obey, by law. See below for a link to our Articles of Governance.

You will also be able to read the latest minutes of the Thrive CE Trust, West Didsbury CE Governing Body, too.

Please note that at every Governing Body meeting our Governors have to declare any pecuniary interests. Please note that none of our Governors have pecuniary interests in education related businesses and any interests have to be declared before every meeting commences.

Our Chair of Governors, Mrs Felicity Bradley, can be contacted by email on: chair@thrive-wdce.com

All our Governors have enhanced DBS checks.

Local Governing Body

Current Governors
Previous Governors
Pecuniary Interests
Name Governor Type Term of Office Appointed By
Felicity Bradley Chair (Foundation) 13.09.24 - 12.09.28 PCC/Trust
Ann Meadowcroft Foundation 05.10.23 - 04.10.27 PCC/Trust
Carole Shaw Foundation 28.09.21 - 27.09.25 PCC/Trust
Lucy Noden Foundation 13.09.20 - 12.09.24 PCC/Trust
Vacant Foundation   PCC/Trust
Hannah Large Head of School Ex Officio  
Zaheer Saleem Parent Governor 16.11.20 - 23.11.24 Elected by Parents
Katherine Allwood Parent Governor 14.10.23 - 13.10.27 Elected by Parents
Jane Dunn Staff Governor 29.09.23 - 28.09.27 Elected by Staff 


Name Governor Type Term of Office Appointed By
Anne-Marie Sarantis Past Parent Governor 12.03.19 - 11.03.23 Elected by Parents
Julia Heatley Past Staff Governor 13.09.16 - 12.09.24 Elected by Staff
Rev Tom Studman Ex Officio 12.11.19 - 11.11.23 PCC/Trust
Paul Good Past Governor 01.09.20 - 01.09.24  
Elizabeth Davidson Past Staff Governor 01.01.23 - 31.12.26 Elected by Staff
Karen Michael Past Foundation Governor 12.11.19 - 11.11.23 PCC/Trust

This table contains the Declarations of Interest for:
- Constitution Members
- Other Members
- Historical Governors

Name Governor Type Pecuniary Interests Date Signed Register
Felicity Bradley Foundation Parent - child in year 6 at West Didsbury Primary School. 18/09/2023
Hannah Large Head of School None 28/10/2023
Karen Michael Foundation Parent - child in year 6 at West Didsbury Primary School. 05/09/2023
Lucy Noden Foundation Parent - child in year 6 at West Didsbury Primary School. 07/02/2023
Zaheer Saleem Parent Parent - child attending West Didsbury Primary School. 05/09/2023
John Barrett CEO None 27/09/2023
Katherine Allwood Parent None 10/10/2023
Ann Meadowcroft Co-opted Other governance role 30/10/2023

Governor Attendance at Meetings

Governor Attendance 2022-2023

Name Governor Type 27.09.22 22.11.22 07.02.23 28.03.23 23.05.23 13.07.23
Felicity Bradley  Foundation Governor Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Paul Good Foundation Governor Apologies
Attended Attended Attended Apologies
Julia Heatley Staff
Attended Attended        
Hannah Large  Head of School  Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended
Karen Michael Foundation Governor Attended Attended Attended Apologies
Attended Apologies
Lucy Noden Foundation Governor Attended Apologies
Attended Attended Attended Attended
Zaheer Saleem Parent
Attended Attended Attended Attended Apologies
Anne-Marie Sarantis  Parent
Attended Attended Apologies
Carole Shaw  Associate Member Apologies
Attended  Attended Apologies
Attended Apologies
Revd Tom Studman  Foundation Governor Apologies
Attended Attended Attended Attended Apologies

Governor Attendance 2023-2024

Name  Governor Type 07 November 2023 06 February 2024 18 June 2024
Katherine Allwood Parent Governor Attended  Attended Attended
 Jane Dunn  Staff Governor  N/A  Attended  Attended
 Hannah Large  Headteacher  Attended  Attended  Attended
 Ann Meadowcroft  Foundation Governor  Attended  Apologies accepted  Apologies accepted
 Karen Michael  Foundation Governor  Attended  N/A  N/A
 Lucy Noden  Foundation Governor  Apologies accepted  Apologies accepted  Attended
Zaheer Saleem Parent governor Attended  Attended  Attended
 Carole Shaw  Foundation Governor  Apologies accepted  Apologies accepted  Attended
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