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Relationships Education

We believe Relationships Education is learning about emotional, social and physical aspects of our lives, about ourselves and our relationships. It enables pupils to develop essential life skills for building and maintaining positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships. It equips pupils with information and skills they need to understand about themselves, their peers and people they meet in the wider community. It explores risks, choices, rights, responsibilities and attitudes. It will help pupils to develop skills to keep themselves and others safer, physically and emotionally, both on and off line. Relationships Education enables pupils to explore their own attitudes and those of others respectfully.

On this page, you will find information on the content of our Relationships curriculum, our Relationships policy, our response to our initial parent consultation as well as other useful links.

What is covered in our relationships curriculum?

We aim for our pupils to develop essential life skills for building and maintaining positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships. Knowing what healthy relationships look like, understanding how to treat others and knowing how they should be treated themselves is an essential part of our pupils becoming well-rounded, confident young people.

The Relationships curriculum begins in Year 1 and runs through to Year 6. The relationships unit of the PSHE curriculum is always taught in the Summer term. Before any lessons are taught, parents are sent a vocabulary list and a brief outline of the content being covered so you are fully aware of what will be discussed in school. The content of the lessons from Year 1 to Year 6 is outlined below:

Year 1  Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
1) Who are the people in my life who love and care for me?
2) What are the differences and similarities between
3) What are the similarities between girls and boys?
1) What is private? (body parts)
2) What happens when the body grows young to old?
3) What is fair, unfair, kind and unkind? (friendship)
1) What is personal space?
2) What does a healthy relationship look like?
3) Why is being equal important in relationships?
1) What is diversity?
2) Tackling gender stereotypes.
3) What changes happen to my body?
1) What is puberty?
2) What are the different relationships in my life?
3) What is unwanted touch?
1) What changes happen in my life?
2) What is diversity?
3) What happens in a loving relationship?
4) How is a baby made?


Parental right to withdraw

Parents/carers have the right to request that their child be excused from some or all of Sex Education delivered as part of statutory Relationships Education. These lessons are only taught in Year 6. Before granting any such request, the Head Teacher/PSHE Leader will discuss the request with parents and carers to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. The educational, social and emotional benefits for the child of being part of the lessons will also be discussed.

In Year 5, reproduction is taught as part of the statutory Science curriculum to which there is no right to withdraw - all schools must deliver the content of the Science curriculum, details of which can be found here. Our relationships curriculum does not go into any more detail than that set out in the Science curriculum.

In Year 6, children will learn about reproduction between adults. Parents will be informed well in advance and will be provided with an accompanying vocabulary list. Should you wish for your child to be excused from this lesson, please use the withdrawal form attached as an appendix in our Relationships policy below.

If a pupil is excused from Sex Education, we will ensure that the pupil receives appropriate, purposeful education during the period of withdrawal. 

For additional information, please read through our Relationships Education policy (including Sex Education) below.


Additional information and resources

Relationships and Health Education Statutory Guidance

NSPCC guidance on keeping children safe

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